These are just a small collection of poems I have written in my spare time. I am in no way a professional poet (obviously...hehehe). I also want to state that I am not Christian even though I have made multiple poems mentioning "God" in all truthfulness I am studying the Buddhist religion and do not believe in an omniscient "God" they were poems influenced by some of my friends that are. I hope you enjoy these, there may or may not be more. It depends on if I get inspiration anytime soon. You'll just have to keep checking back. Enjoy.
-Dr. J
A Perfect Summer's Night

A lush open prairie with kiwi green trees
A beautiful sunset of plum and marmalade clouds,
These are the moments that take your breath away.
Such a beautiful and wonderful thing nature is, to bad we can't stay,

The immaculate silver moon illuminates the onyx sky
Shining it's light upon the ruby roses and the emerald grass.
It's amazing how everyday these moments go past,

Running through this open field full of the grass, weeds, and thicket  
The globe of life continues its slumber with only the song of the cricket,

In the morning the world reawakens, with the return of the orb of fire,

Had Enough

It's getting to the point that I just don't care
But saying that to anyone else I won't dare.
I feel really angry pretty much every freaking day,
And I hate you people for it, in the worst possible way.
I don't care about your problems! Why should I, you don't care about mine.
You just say I should just get over it, and all I do is whine.
If that's the case then you need to get over all your problems too!
Before I enlarge your rectum with my size eleven shoe!
You need to grow up and quit with all of this
Or I'm just gonna leave, and tell you what to kiss
I'm really getting fed up with you whining about your problems
and how you just won't hear that your not the only one that has ’em
Yeah I realize that life's depressing once in a while
But your saying your depressed like it's going out of style.
If your so depressed then get yourself some help.
What's it going to take to beat that through your scalp?
I love you all to death, but there's only so much I can take.
I'm getting really stressed out and feel like I'm about to break.
I'm sorry you feel this way, and I know life is tough,
But you guys got to lay off of me ‘cause I've really had enough.  

Letter to an old friend

I need to say just how I feel,
and yet I hide behind this wall of words that acts like a veil.
If you really knew, who I am inside, I'm sure the friendship we have would fail
I'm not evil, and I'm not bad, but something I'm going to say might make you mad
I love my mother, all my friends, and my dad
But sometimes you guys treat me like shit and make me feel bad
I'm not sure what I did to make you act this way
I never hide my feelings, what I think is what I say
And if I ever lie about anything, may I die on that day
I'm not saying I'm perfect, but God knows that I'll try
I see you like this rhyme, huh… yeah it's pretty fly
Can you make one this good… nah, you'd take so long you'd die
I've grown up a lot now, and much more in the last few months
I use to think I had no more growing to do, but I'll only make that mistake once
I fell right on my face and looked like a dunce
I got tricked with lies and half truths, and other bullshit
It made me so mad that all I could do was come in here, and spit
Hate and anger with the laptop to the one who loved me and spilt
But now, I'm over you, picked my self up and moved on
Got new plans, and I'm singing a new song,
I have a new friend, her name's Anna, and her dad, pastor John.
  Yeah that's right, "Pastor", he's a man of the lord,
But not those annoying kind that go door to door.
He just believes that after here, we go to heaven… I just wonder what's in store?
 Damn, it's really early, or I'm up really late
Either way I only got a couple hours left, I go to work at eight
So how are things in your world? Things in mine are going great.

The eternal battle

"Devil speaks"
Look here into these eyes of infinite hatred and evil
I've gone but many names; Lucifer, Satan, and even the Devil
Commit your life to me descend to my level.
Give me your soul to me; it is I whom you must receive
Eternal torture and fear are what you see if it's me you deceive
I am all powerful and almighty look in my eyes and thou shall perceive

"God replies"
Look into my eyes of endless compassion and love
I am big as a mountain, yet graceful as a dove
 Follow this wicked demon and ye shall surely fall
However, if you wish you may enter my hall
It is open to everyone, I leave no one behind,
And this you too shall see when it is the end of your time.    

God are you listening?

I've lived on earth for over twenty one years,
And all I have to show for it you could fit in a tear.
Thoughts of hate, evil and pain,
Yet even the worst things I've seen all seem so plain.
Mothers crying over their lost sons of war,
The cry of aging men as they knock on deaths door
I see all of this, but never blink an eye
This world is torture, I am repulsed by this sty
You say, bring your life to God, and he'll make it better
But, I can't see His light through all this stormy weather.

Where are you Lord, have you allowed me stray?
If you love me like I love you why don't you stay?
Please come back so me show me again, what it is to cry
Come back into my life before I die
What more can you expect from me father?
I've taken so much, my soul has been slaughtered
I still can't leave my past behind me
There are too many things I haven't completed. Don't you see!
I need your assistance, I'm crying at your feet
Yet for you are with me I shall never claim defeat
I will weather this storm, for this to shall pass
Like a cool summer breeze blows over a long blade of grass
Save me father from all the evil I've done
This is what I ask from you as your only true son.

One minute ‘till midnight

The second hand continues it's dance, the rapid acceleration followed by and instant stop
I slow my breath, peer into your beautiful eyes, and let my pulse drop
I love you, and I know you know it but whenever I write it, it always comes out slop
A cursed love of unsupported devotion devoured my past
But when I'm with you I feel the love will last,
Last like the endless oceans through the test of time,
I'm going to make you feel these lines
And I know that you'll love me even if they don't rhyme
When I say I love you, you let me know you feel what it is I say
I passed you everyday but it wasn't until today that you stopped and looked back my way
Now I feel that love I felt I had lost long ago
When I say I'll be the best love you've ever had it's not an overactive ego
  You will be my queen and I your king ‘till death says we must go
Stare deep into these eyes of indigo blue
Look deep to the core of my being and you will see what I say is true
An uninterrupted path to the center of my mind, till now you only thought you knew.
The sand-less hourglass of time,
The unblinking eyes of the divine
This love is perfect it must be a sign
From now until we are sprits above that I am forever yours and you are forever mine.
As we sit in endless gaze
The twelfth bell chimes and thus is the beginning of the rest of our days.

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